Jesús García profile photo

Who am I, and what I do?

Hello! I’m Jesús García Valadez. . Hello! I'm Jesús García Valadez, a seasoned Full-Stack Engineer with over 15 years of web application development experience. While I excel in back-end technologies, I'm also passionate about front-end development, making me a versatile full-stack developer.

My expertise spans a wide range of technologies, with particular proficiency in:

  • Backend: PHP, Laravel, Symfony, Node.js, Python
  • Front-end: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Vue.js, React
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Cloud Services: AWS, GCP

My commitment to best practices in software development, including test-driven design, automated testing, clean code, and continuous integration/delivery, is unwavering. This dedication, combined with my analytical skills, allows me to transform requirements into efficient, scalable solutions, ensuring the highest quality of work.

Throughout my career, I've not only contributed to significant projects that have increased user bases, improved conversion rates, and reduced error rates for companies like Bambelo , Eupry , and Linio-Falabella , but I've also played a key role in project management and mentoring.

My leadership has led teams and defined processes that have substantially increased company revenues, demonstrating my strong organizational and management skills.

As a lifelong learner, I continuously update my skills through courses and certifications, particularly in Vue.js and Laravel. I'm fluent in English and comfortable working in international environments.

Whether you're looking for a backend specialist, a front-end enthusiast, or a full-stack problem solver, I bring a wealth of experience and a passion for creating robust, user-friendly applications.

Curious about how I work? Check out my 'uses' page for a complete list of all the software, gadgets, and services I employ in my development process. Explore my portfolio and technology pages for more details about my experience and community involvement.

© 2024 Jesús García. All rights reserved.

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